An ultraviolet flame sensing device, or U.V. scanner, must be used
with a 3/4" N.P.T. swivel connector. The scanner and connector can
be used in three possible locations: two mounting ports are located
near the gun assembly adjacent to the pilot which sight both pilot
and main flames, while a third mounting port on the side of the
combustor sights only the main flame. Flame detection methods
are affected by fuels and applications:
• For gas, light oil, or heavy oil with air atomization, locate a U.V.
scanner in one of the two mounting ports near the pilot to prove
pilot and main flames.
• For heavy oil with steam atomization, two scanners must be used.
Because atomizing steam absorbs ultraviolet light, a scanner
mounted near the pilot will only prove the pilot flame. Therefore,
a second scanner mounted on the combustor side is needed to
prove the main flame.
Due to the low U.V. content of oil flames, some U.V. scanner/
flame safety systems may have difficulty sighting oil flames at
high inputs. In these cases, a more sensitive U.V. detector may
be required or an infrared (I.R.) detector may be used.
Make sure that you connect the flame sensor of a burner to the
electrical circuit of the burner.
If you connect the flame sensor of a burner to the
electrical circuit of the wrong burner, then you can
cause fires and explosion.
For detailed information on how to install and connect a U.V. scanner,
refer to:
• straight U.V. scanner; Bulletin/Instruction Manual 854
• 90
U.V. scanner; Bulletin/Instruction Manual 852
• self-check U.V. scanner; Bulletin/Instruction Manual 856.
Install the flame sensor
U.V. Scanner
(Model 5600-91)
(Model 5600-90A)
U.V. Scanner
(Model 5602-91)
Eclipse Vortometric Burner v2.00, Installation Guide 248, 4/10/07