Oil fuel considerations
1. In heavy oil (#5 or #6) applications, the oil temperature at the
burner inlet should be 220
to 270
F for good viscosity
(maximum 150 SSU). Depending on burner location, steam or
electric tracing AND pipe insulation are usually needed to
ensure this oil temperature range. Other oils (wastes, residues,
etc.), may also require similar provisions to ensure good
2. Foreign material can easily clog the small injection holes in the oil
nozzle tip. Therefore, ensure that all inside surfaces of assembled
piping to the burner are free of dirt, grit, shavings or any other
foreign material. To avoid contamination, use thread sealants such
as Teflon paste only on pipe threads that will not come in contact
with the oil flow.
3. A purge of the oil nozzle should be conducted after burner
shutdown. To do so, connect a line between the atomizing
medium and the oil piping just upstream of the oil nozzle, and
install check valves in this line and the oil piping.
Atomizing steam considerations
1. Atomizing steam must be dry and superheated to at least 20
above saturated at the burner inlet. Therefore, this piping line must
be insulated up to the burner inlet. Provisions must also be made
for continuous condensate disposal via a steam trap and drain.
Compressed air considerations
1. When compressed air is used for atomization, it is possible for
water and oil vapor from the air compressor to contaminate the
atomizer. Therefore, include preventative measures against this
possibility when designing the air distribution system.
2. ALL compressors should be equipped with a suitable aftercooler,
oil separator, and automatic traps or drain valves.
3. When compressed air is used for atomization of heavy oils (#5
or #6), preheat the air to a temperature between 220
F and insulate the air lines.
Pilot gas considerations
1. ALL supplied gas pilot piping (natural, propane, etc.) MUST be
fitted with a pilot gas pressure regulator.
2. ALL supplied gas pilot piping (natural, propane, etc.) SHOULD BE
fitted with an adjustable orifice valve for pilot gas flow adjustment.
Eclipse Vortometric Burner v2.00, Installation Guide 248, 4/10/07