Abbildung 35:
Figure 35:
Start dialog stdHMI
Modifying machine constants
The machine constants are loaded from the machine constant file (e.g. during the
first loading of the StdHMI.
This file includes presettings of machine constants that are to be adapted for the correct
drive configuration (see chapter 6, „Parameterizing of the drives“).
The following table describes how to change machine constants:
Tabelle 31:
Table 31:
Modifying machine constants
Steps in the stdHMI
Diagnose F12
Machine constants F6
MC change F6
A mask is opened in which machine constants can be changed
Change machine constants in compliance with the presetting
of the drives (see chapter Machine constants)
Save and download F1
The changed machine constants are accepted in the file and are loaded in the controller.
On principle, the operation of the CNC program is also possible without connected mechan-
ical system and drives. This is obtained by the setting of the machine constant