Parameterizing of the drives
The drives characteristics have to be parameterized in the drive itself but also in the con-
troller. Machine constants are required to parameterize the drive in the controller. A ma-
chine constant MK is composed of a key word and the respective values (for further details
please check /6/).
The machine constants are stored in a text file on the PC that has the extension.mk (e.g.
NCR.mk for the ENC55) and are loaded into the controller by means of the StdHMI.
Machine constants can be modified in the StdHMI (also see chapter 8, „StdHMI“).
Parameterizing of the drives in detail
The machine constants in the controller specified in the following are mandatory for the
operation of a drive. Referred to the drives, they represent only a subset of the necessary
parameterization. Further details regarding a complete parameterization are included in /
Via its machine constants, the controller only initializes parameters that are necessary for
the communication with the drives.
The control parameters, the safety functions of the drives and the parameters of the refer-
ence point approach are to be parameterized in the drive itself by means of the respective
software of the drive manufacturer.
Number of axes and CAN node addresses
In the table of the machine constants, the specified number of the values to be entered for
the number of axes, the CAN node addresses and the drive-specific parameters always cor-
responds to the max. number of axes of the NC firmware of the controller (16 Axes) irre-
spective of the actual number of available drives.