B-FOCuS O-4F2PW/O-4G2PW Hardware Installation Manual
ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary
Rev 0.1
In “Network” page, there are 6 second level selections. They are “LAN”, “WAN”, “WiFi”, “Routing”,
“DNS”, “TR-069”.
LAN configuration is used to configure ONU maintenance address, and DHCP related parameters.
Below is the description for the parameters:
Parameter / Button
IP Address
Input IP address of maintenance IP address
IP Subnet Mask
Input subnet mark of maintenance IP
DHCP Enable
Enable gateway DHCP server. In this case, the connected device can use DHCP to get the IP
address from gateway DHCP server
DHCP Start IP Address
Start IP Address of DHCP address pool
DHCP End IP Address
End IP Address of DHCP address pool
DHCP Lease Time
Input IP Address Lease Time
Bind MAC Address
Bind the specific MAC and IP address for DHCP
Bind IP Address
Bind the specific MAC and IP address for DHCP
Add Button
Add a MAC to IP binding rule