NPT-1020 Installation and Maintenance Manual
Installing Equipment
ECI Telecom Ltd. Proprietary
Disassembling the EXT-2U from the NPT-1020
The following is the correct way to disassemble the EXT-2U from the NPT-1020. The EXT-2U is attached to
the NPT-1020 with five snap rivets. You must first remove these rivets before removing the EXT-2U. It is
recommended to use a thin flat tool (like a screwdriver) to raise the rivet caps first, and then remove them.
4-32: Removing the EXT-2U from the NPT-1020
To disassemble the EXT-2U from the NPT-1020:
Insert a thin flat-head screwdriver under the rivet cap.
4-33: Inserting the thin flat-head tool