Echometer Company
Model – M Manual
Phone: (940) 767-4334
5001 Ditto Lane
Fax: (940) 723-7507
Wichita Falls, Texas 76302, U.S.A.
E-Mail:8 - Testing/Troubleshooting
The Echometer Model - M has an internal test circuit, which is used to verify that the electronics and the acoustic cable are
operating correctly. The test circuit is activated automatically when the power is turned ON. A system test and battery
voltage is displayed on the strip chart. (See Appendix Example).
In addition a test switch and connector allows testing the microphone cable in addition to the electronic circuits. Connecting
the microphone cable from the TEST connector and to INPUT connector will verify that the cable is not open or shorted
After checking the operation of the electronic circuits the microphone sensitivity should be checked.
Amplifiers Check
This test verifies the proper response and gain of the liquid level and collars amplifiers. See Appendix.
Filters Check
This test verifies the proper response of the Upper collars and Lower collars filters. See Appendix.
Microphone Cable check
This test verifies the integrity of the microphone cable. See Appendix.
Microphone Check
Proper operation and sensitivity of the microphone can be verified with this test. See Appendix.