Echometer Company
Model – M Manual
Phone: (940) 767-4334
5001 Ditto Lane
Fax: (940) 723-7507
Wichita Falls, Texas 76302, U.S.A.
E-Mail:Volume Chamber Pressure Gauge
The volume chamber pressure gauge measures the pressure in the gas gun volume chamber. During normal operation, the
volume chamber is charged to 100-psi more than the casing pressure. Use additional pressure if required for satisfactory
results. If the internal gas valve is open, the gauge indicates the pressure between the gas gun and the casing annulus valve.
If the casing annulus valve is open, the gauge indicates the casing pressure.
Casing Pressure Gauge Quick Connector
The quick connector is located on the side of the housing. A precision pressure gage having a range close to the pressure
being measured will fit into the quick connector to enable the operator to obtain the casing pressure and casing pressure
change with sufficient accuracy to perform calculations of producing BHP and casing gas flow rate.
Cocking Arm
The cocking arm is lifted to depress and close the valve between the gas chamber and the casing.
Casing Pressure Bleed Valve
This valve allows bleeding the pressure between the casing valve and the compact gas gun. Turn the knob counter clockwise
to release the pressure. Verify that the casing valve is closed before opening the bleed valve.
Gun Filler-Bleed Valve
The filler-bleed valve is used to pressurize the gas gun volume chamber or to remove gas from the gas gun volume chamber.
Gas is added to the chamber from a pressurized external gas source by insertion of mating quick connector, into the filler &
bleed valve. Gas is bled from the chamber by rotating the knob clockwise. This action depresses the internal valve core
and releases the gas from the volume chamber to the atmosphere.
Trigger Pawl
The Trigger Pawl is pulled to release the gas valve between the gas gun volume chamber and the casing. If sufficient
pressure exists in the volume chamber or on the end of the gas valve, the gas valve will open.
The microphone is a twin-disc pressure sensitive device that is vibration canceling.