P a g e
E730 Defra instruction manual |
current as of May 2015
All information supplied by
Ecco Stove
is a trade mark of Landy Vent UK Limited copyright©EccoStove2015
Ecco Stove
| Foster House
| 2 Redditch Road,
B80 7AX, United Kingdom
| +44 (0)1527 857 814
| www.eccostove.com
Patent pending USA, Canada, Europe & Russia | UK Patent nos: 2467433 & 2498883
The flue outlet on the stoves top is 150mm+ and accepts a 150mm stove pipe which must be bedded
into the outlet with fire cement for a gas tight seal. (Minimum 1mm thick metal pipe).
The nominal flue outlet of the Ecco Stove is 150mm diameter for which a 150mm flue liner insulated
around within the masonry chimney with perlite grains or similar or insulative appropriate wrap is
strongly advised, or a suitably insulated pre-fabricated twin wall stainless steel flue system.
Any single wall pipe joints must be self tap screwed and jointed with fire cement.
Flue’s up to 9m in height are adequate in 150mm inner diameter.
Flues over 9m in height should be 175mm in the diameter.
High temperature hot face inner linings or coatings are suitable materials but ideally with a maximum
flue area of 225 x 225mm.
Pumice hot face linings with insulation or leka pellets are suitable.
Under no circumstances should the Ecco Stove be connected directly to clay linings within chimneys,
unless those clay liners have a hot face lining fitted within, in order to reduce condensation within the
chimney flue.
Flue ways within the Ecco Stove should be cleaned two monthly in continuous combustion for which the
stove should be let out (not burning).
Cleaning access points are located on the stoves top sides (4 discs) which must be lifted horizontally to
access the vertical flue ways (2 each side).
After brushing down (and up) the deposits can be scraped or vacuumed out by removing the cleaning
plugs located on the front of the bottom section (2 discs).
The first section of flue pipe vertically off the appliances top flue outlet MUST include a flue cleaning
access within 200mm of the stoves top.
Clean down through this into the stoves top; brush along the top flue chamber beneath the flue outlet
and vacuum out that chamber by sliding the flexible brush or vac hose to left and right.