Operating and Maintenance Instructions
CN1116 Full OMI
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© ebm-papst UK Ltd 2021
Chelmsford Business Park Chelmsford Essex CM2 5EZ
Telephone: +44(0)1245468555 Fax: +44(0)1245466336
Automatic sensor mapping
After the acknowledgment of the warning screen, the controller will run all fans at a fixed set speed, search for
sensors at the selected analogue input of each fan and then present the results on the screen. If the controller
cannot find any sensors, or the number of sensors found is incorrect, it is possible to retry the process by selecting
the applicable option. For each retry, the test speed setpoint will increase by 10%.
In case the test speed has reached 100% and the number of sensors is zero or different than the number of
sensors installed please ensure that all pressure sensor connections have been made according to
6.0 Pressure Sensor Connections
and the sensor wiring, airline connections and controller configuration
have been made according to
Section 8.0 Multi-Sensor Operation.
It is possible to swap the configured fan analogue input during sensor mapping in which case the test speed
will be reinitialised to 50%.
Once the correct number of sensors has been shown and acknowledged, the sensor mapper will display different
screens based on the operating mode and unit type configuration of the controller:
If the controller has been configured for constant pressure or pressure monitoring:
see “Finalising sensor mapping
process” below.
If the controller has been configured for constant volume: if the number of sensors detected is lower than the total
number of fans, the sensor mapper will automatically move to a sequence of tests called
“Airline Dependency
Check” where it will run a single fan at a time (only fans that do not have sensors) and then read all
detected sensors to identify to
which sensor that fan’s airline is connected to.
After all tests have been completed,
se see “Finalising the sensor mapping process” below.
If the controller has been configured for volume monitoring: like the constant volume configuration but it is possible
to skip the entire
“Airline Dependency Check”
process by selecting
the “Skip” optio
n. However, in cases where a
dependency check is required for one or more (but not all) sensor-less fans, it is possible to skip the check in a fan-
fan basis by letting it run once and then selecting the “Skip” option when the
error screen appears. This will
cause the sensor mapper to skip the dependency check for that fan and move to the next fan.
Finalising the sensor mapping process
Before finalising the sensor mapping process, a fan-sensor list is presented on the screen where it shows one fan
and one sensor per row. Sensors are numbered in ascending order of detection and categorised in two columns:
direct and shared. A
fan with a “direct” sensor is a fan that has a pressure sensor connected to its 0
-10V input
terminal. In case of constant volume or volume monitoring configurations, this fan also has its inlet ring connected
to that sensor. A
fan with a “shared” sensor is a fan that has its inlet ring connected to a sensor but does not have
a sensor connected to its 0-10V input terminal.
Use the UP and DOWN buttons for scrolling up/down, and the ENTER button to accept the sensor map. Once the
sensor map has been accepted, the controller will save the sensor map in its non-volatile memory, apply a power
reset and resume normal operation.
Please ensure that the final screen correctly matches the installation before accepting the
sensor map. If that is not the case please check the physical connections between the fans and sensors, the
sensors and inlet rings (or the equipment) and then
restart the mapping process by selecting the “Retry” option
using the BACK button.