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On receiving the pump, promptly check the following items.
1. Confirmation of pump and accessories
1) Confirm non-occurrence of damages and of loosening of bolts and nuts, which may be generated
during transportation.
2) Confirm the presence of full-set of accessories.
(For the standard auxiliaries, refer to the section of 9 "Structure". )
Confirmation of nameplate
1) The nameplate gives basic specification of the pump. Confirm the specification of your pump on the
nameplate. Specifically, care shall be paid on the frequency (50 Hz or 60 Hz).
Do not operate a pump of 50Hz at 60Hz. The operation at wrong frequency
induces pump break caused by excess pressure and motor burn-out caused by
Do not operate a pump of 60Hz at 50Hz. The pump performance deteriorates.
Fig. 1
Indication on nameplate
Model of motor
Pump name
Capacity (Unit: L/min)
Number of phases of Motor
Total head (Unit: m)
Rated output (Unit: kW)
Rated frequency (Unit
Rated voltage (Unit: V)
Number of motor poles
Rated current (Unit
Class of insulation
Maximum ambient temperature
(Unit: °C)
Company name
Manufacturing date
Code number
Degree of protection
Maximum operating depth