Enterprise Power Solutions Installation and Operation Guide
Copyright © 2008 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
IPN 997-00012-56C September 2008
Configuration File
The operational settings of the dc power system are stored in a configuration file loaded into
the SC200 or SC100 system controller.
The SC200 or SC100 is supplied pre-loaded with a configuration file. If this configuration file
has been customized for the site then no further configuration changes will be necessary.
Otherwise, it is important that the settings of this configuration file are checked and changed
as required for site-specific conditions. In particular, settings that may affect the performance
and life expectancy of the battery must be checked and set according to the battery
manufacturer’s recommendations.
Some settings in the configuration file can be edited using the system controller's keypad (see
details on page
), or all settings can be edited using a PC/laptop with DCTools/Web (see
details on page
) or remotely, see Communications Options in the System Controller
Operation Handbook.
Backup and Restore
The configuration file settings in the SC200 or SC100 can be saved to (Backup) or loaded from
(Restore) a PC/laptop using DCTools/Web.
Backup and Restore can be used to:
Load a standard (master) configuration file into an SC200 or SC100 for customization.
Copy a customized configuration file from one SC200 or SC100 to others (at similar
Save a copy of a customized configuration file. This is recommended in case the SC200
or SC100 has to be replaced.
To use DCTools for Backup and Restore
Connect to the SC200 or SC100 with DCTools. See details on page
Communications Options in the System Controller Operation Handbook.
In DCTools go to
ICE Backup/Restore
and follow the prompts.
The saved file does not include site specific settings including Site Identity, IP Address and
S3P Address.
To use a web browser for Backup and Restore (SC200 only)
Connect to the SC200 via a web browser. For details see Ethernet Communications in the
System Controller Operation Handbook.
Go to
Backup Tool
Restore Tool
(does not include site specific settings including Site Identity, IP
Address and S3P Address) or
System Snapshot
(includes site specific settings).