Enterprise Power Solutions Installation and Operation Guide
Copyright © 2008 Eaton Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
IPN 997-00012-56C September 2008
This section contains important warnings. Read these warnings before installing or operating
a Powerware Enterprise Power Solutions dc power system.
Electrical Safety
The case of the Powerware Enterprise Power Solutions dc power system is a fire enclosure as
specified in UL 60950-1. The system can be installed in an enclosed cabinet or an open relay rack.
The dc power system may be powered from multiple ac sources. All power sources must be
isolated before internally servicing the equipment.
The dc power system must be connected to a suitable and readily accessible disconnect
device(s). The ac plug may be suitable as the disconnect device. See details on page
The dc power system is not compatible with IT (Impedance Terra) ac supply. For advice see
Worldwide Support on page
A registered electrician (or suitably qualified person) must check the integrity of the installed
cabling, BEFORE the dc power system is powered up.
Tasks must be performed in the sequence documented in this guide.
Location and Environment
The EPS2/EPS5 must be installed in a Restricted Access Location (dedicated equipment rooms,
equipment closets, or similar) in accordance with the U.S. National Electric Code (NEC),
ANSI/NFPA No. 70, and according to the applicable local codes.
The EPS2/EPS5 is not suitable for use in a computer room as defined in the Standard for
Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment, ANSI/NFPA 75.
Ne peut être utilisé dans une salle d'ordinateurs telle que définie dans la norme ANSI/NFPA 75 Standard
for Protection of Information Technology Equipment.
For ease of access and to maintain optimum system cooling observe the clearances stated on
Ensure the ambient temperature and humidity are within the ranges in the Specifications.
Dust build-up within the EPS2/EPS5 may cause premature failure. In dusty environments filter
the ventilation air entering the equipment room. Ensure regular cleaning of the air filters.
Do not allow water or any foreign object to enter the EPS2/EPS5. Do not place objects containing
liquid on top of or near the unit.
Hazardous Energy Levels
Rectifiers and batteries contain hazardous energy levels. Only personnel trained and
experienced in dc power systems are to service this equipment.
Always use insulated tools.
Do not short-circuit the live and common bus bars or cables.
Do not install the rectifiers until the room has been cleaned and is dust free.
To reduce the risk of electric shock and maintain optimum system cooling, always cover empty
rectifier slots with blanking panels.
To avoid electrical shock, do not place hands inside the rectifier magazine.
Rectifier cases may exceed 100ºC (212ºF), especially after prolonged operation. Use suitable
gloves when removing a rectifier from the magazine.
Do not attempt to disassemble faulty rectifiers. Return them (in their original packaging) with a
completed Equipment Incident Report on page