Instruction Leaflet
Effective March 2011
Instructions for Testing Magnum DS
Digitrips with the MTK2000 Test Kit
EaTon CorporaTIon www.eaton.com
Review the picture below for the installation of the Magnum
Shorting plug .
Figure 4. Magnum Shorting Plug
If the ZSI shorting plug is not in the circuit the ground fault time test
will go instantaneously . The short delay time test will go instantaneously .
2.5 Circuit Breaker Information
2.5.1 MTK2000 Tolerance Bands
The Long Delay Pickup point is normally set in the Digitrip at 110%
of the Long Delay Setting . The tolerance is ±5% of 110% . Long
Delay Times of the Trip Unit are top of band . The tolerance is
+0% /-30% of the Long Delay Time Setting . Short Delay Pickup,
Instantaneous, and Ground Fault Pickup values are mid-band, which
have ±10% tolerance . Short Delay Time and Ground Time require
curve for band tolerance .
2.5.2 Digitrip Test Guidelines
Testing of the Trip Unit must be performed with the Trip Unit properly
installed in the breaker . The Long Time function has a memory cir-
cuit with a reset time of 36 times the Long Delay Time . The thermal
memory jumper may need to be relocated to disable the thermal
memory . This jumper is shipped from the factory in the “active”
position . (Reference Section 2 .3, MTK2000 Breaker Cables) If a trip
function LED on the Trip Unit is lit prior to a test, press the Trip Reset
pushbutton on the Trip Unit . When bench testing a breaker wired for
zone interlock applications, MDS shorting plug 8779C02G06 should
be installed (Reference Section 2 .3, MTK2000 Breaker Cables) .