FX6000 InstAllAtIon And oPerAtIon MAnuAl
25-14683-C December 2019 www.eaton.com
External connections (Mains supply)
The mains supply should be installed in accordance with the current edition of the
IEE wiring regulations . Connection to the mains supply must be via an isolating
device (e .g . an isolating fuse rated at 3Amps maximum) reserved solely for the
fire alarm system . The cover should be coloured red and labelled “FIRE ALARM
- DO NOT SWITCH OFF” . The isolating protective device should be secure from
unauthorised operation and ideally installed in a securely closed box with
a breakable cover .
An additional warning label should be provided, depending on whether:-
1. The isolating protective device is fed from the live side of the main isolating
device in which case the label on the isolating protective device, should read
in addition
tHIs suPPlY reMAIns AlIVe WHen tHe MAIn sWItCH Is turned oFF .
A further label should be placed on the main isolating device reading
tHe FIre AlArM suPPlY reMAIns lIVe WHen tHIs sWItCH Is turned oFF .
2. If the isolating protective device is fed from the dead side of the main
isolating device, a label should be fixed to the main isolating
device reading
tHIs sWItCH Also Controls tHe suPPlY to tHe FIre AlArM sYsteM .
distributed power supplies
The above also applies to any distributed power supply (i .e . mains connections for
control panels, repeater units and relay units etc .)
Cable segregation
All cables for the fire alarm system should be segregated from any other cables/
wiring/services .
Wiring configurations
Spurs can be taken off the loop in the following ways:
1. CZMU352 Addressable Interface - Allows up to 20 conventional smoke
detectors and unlimited Eaton conventinal call points