EPCT FirE sEriEs FirE PumP ConTrollEr
MN124016EN August 2019 www.eaton.com
5.7.6 Weekly motor test timer
A Weekly Motor Test Timer can be programmed that will
automatically start and run the fire pump motor at specific
intervals. The Weekly Timer is set by adjusting the day, hour,
and minute of the desired weekly run time, the length of
time that this test shall be performed, and a test interval (in
weeks). While the weekly test timer is timing, the remaining
time will be displayed in the notification area.
5.8 Alarm setpoints tab
5.8.1 Phase reversal
The user will be able to change the Phase Reversal setpoint
that the controller will base the Phase Reversal alarm on.
5.8.2 Phase failure alarm setpoint
The Power/Phase Failure alarm will activate if the voltage
of one phase is lower than the highest phase by the
percentage programmed.
5.8.3 Motor overload setpoint
Motor Overload alarm will activate if the amperage draw
is exceeding the amount programmed for a period greater
than eight (8) seconds.
5.8.4 Transducer fail pump start
Transducer Failure is defined as the transducer reading is lower
than 4mA or greater than 20mA. If this setting is enabled
and the transducer reading is out of the allowable range, the
controller will start the motor and alarm for Transducer Failure.
5.8.5 Abort motor test on low voltage
When enabled, this will cause the controller to abort the
motor test when a under voltage condition is detected. This
will impact both the weekly and manual motor tests.
5.8.6 Voltage alarm settings
This menu item allows the user to adjust voltage dropout
and pickup settings. Should the controller be equipped with
an ATS, the screen will provide the ability to have different
setpoints for either Source.
5.8.7 Frequency alarm settings
This menu item allows the user to adjust frequency dropout
and pickup settings. Should the controller be equipped with
an ATS, the screen will provide the ability to have different
setpoints for either Source.
5.9 Inputs/outputs tab
5.9.1 Inputs
The optional inputs have the ability to be programmed for
predetermined values or custom values. The Input menu
will display each input, what it is programmed for, allow a
delay to be programmed, allow the input to latch when the
input signal is received, program the input to be fail safe (if
enabled, the contact will be considered normally closed) and
link the notification area virtual lights to the input. Refer to
Table 2 Generic Custom Input Labels for the generic values
the optional inputs can be programmed for. When this input
is received a message will be stored in memory using the
programmed label. The input can be linked to the common
alarm in under Panel Setup menu.
Table 2
Programmable input alarms
Remote Manual Start
Remote Manual Stop
Remote Manual Start/Stop
Remote Auto Start
Deluge Valve Start
Low Suction
Low Foam Level
Proof Pressure Switch
Low Room Temp
High Room Temp
Low Reservoir
High Reservoir
Go to Source 1
Go to Source 2
Enable Sequential Start
Custom Input
5.9.2 Outputs
The optional output relays can be programmed to operate
based on the desired function. The Custom Output menu
will display each output, what it is programmed for, allow a
delay to be programmed, allow the output to latch when the
relay is energized, and program the output for fail safe (if
enabled, the relay will be normally energized). Please refer
to Table 3 for the generic values the optional outputs can be
programmed for.