Scaler decimal point. The scaler is in the
range of 0.001 to 9999 and is entered in
the parameter below. Set the decimal point
location for the scaler here.
Display decimal point location. This selection
nails the ratemeter or process time display
decimal point to a specific location and was
considered when the scaler was calculated.
No decimal point
Scaler. Enter the calculated scaler here. The de-
cimal point location on this screen was selected in
the scaler decimal point parameter above.
Range: 0.001 to 9999
Display update time. Sets the minimum time,
in seconds, between display updates.
Range: 0.1 to 99.9 seconds
Serial Address. Enter the serial address for the
ratemeter. All commands sent to the ratemeter
must contain this address. If two or more rate-
meters are connected in a network, each must
have a unique address.
Range: 00 to 99.
Display zero time. Sets the maximum time
that the unit will wait between pulses before
forcing the display to zero.
Range: 0.1 to 99.9 seconds