7 Commissioning and other work
MANUAL CEAG AUtoMAtiC tEst systEM At-s
40071860177 (C) December 2016 www.ceag.de
7.4 Checking / replacing of fuses
The fuses for the mains power supply are located in the
related load disconnectors.
The final circuits are also fused in the SU S
modules, and
individual circuits are fused in other modules.
Never remove the fuses from the SU S
under load!
7.4.1 Checking the fuses of the mains supply
Open the load disconnector for the mains supply.
In the AT-S
cabinet and substations (if any) ensure that
all fuses in the load diconnector for the mains supply
– meet the required technical specifications (labels on
the front of the device next to the appropriate fuse
– are correctly fitted and intact.
Fit the (replacement) fuse into its holder and press its
cover into the locked position where it is locked with a
brief clockwise rotation.
Location of the fuses
on the SU-S
7.5 Checking and replacing internal modules
Before a control or exchange of internal modules the
system must be released by activating the corresponding
D02 fused circuit-breaker.
For mounting or dismounting of modules please see chap-
ter 6.5 „Connection and installation of internal modules“
and all warning notices!
On the SU S
modules you will find a Service push button
that can be used for initial commissioning and for testing
purposes. When it is pressed, the controller software
displays addresses and characteristics of the selected
module directly on the graphic display of the controller.
7.6 Checking and replacing external modules
For mounting and dismounting of a module please see
chapter 6.8 „Connection and installation of external
modules“. Please observce the following:
Set the address for the DLS bsu module. Avoid assign-
ing the same address more than once as this causes
To ensure that replaced external modules function
correctly under the controller they must first be identi-
fied, activated and their parameters set up with the
controller software.
On the SU S
modules you will find a Service push button
that can be used for initial commissioning and for testing
purposes. When it is pressed, the controller software
displays addresses and characteristics of the selected
module directly on the graphic display of the controller.
7.7 Powering up the system
Switch on the mains supply at the load disconnector.
Switch on the controllers with <<Release device>>
menu option.