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My lower leg length is too short for the stander.
Invert and swap the foot plates left to right.
My Bantam won’t go all the way to standing.
Make sure that the supine option ratchet handles have been correctly assembled. We ship the back flat
and the supine knob must be removed then assembled in the correct square hole. If not removed from
position when shipped the bolt prevents the stander from going all the way up. Please refer to pg.6 in the
owners manual.
One of the arms on my tray is shorter than the other, is this correct?
Yes, it is designed so you can line up the longer arm first, then the shorter arm.
We just received our Bantam and on the tray there is a quick pin to secure the tray in place, but
there are two bolts attached on both sides. Am I suppose to use the bolts to secure the tray in
The bolts and nuts are used as a tray depth guide. You can move them to any one of the holes on the tray
adjustment arm depending on the person using the unit. To use, remove from the tray, position the tray
with the correct depth and then reinstall in the hole closest to the tray top. This will stop the arms at the
correct depth so it is easier and quicker when attaching the tray. To secure the tray, there are two quick
pins attached to cables on both sides of the unit. Check both sides to make sure both are there.
Sometimes, in shipping, they will move around, so at first glance only one side is visible.
How do I order parts?
Contact your local supplier and have the serial number ready.