Vantage 4000
>05) System Setup (Continued)
01) Language:
This will allow the user to select the language displayed in the Vantage 4000. The
options are: 01) English, 02) German, 03) Spanish.
02) Display:
Choosing this feature allows the user to select the contrast of the display from 01)
Highest to 08) Lowest. This feature also allows to display the back light, to turn it off or to program for
a timed “off” of the display if the key pad is not touched in a selected time interval.
03) Communications:
This option will allow the user to set the baud rate, flow control and slave
I.Ds of the RS-232 and RS-485 communications. The Comm. Objects is not utilized.
04) Display Modes:
This option will allow the user to select the four display lines to be viewed
on the main screen during operation. The options for the display lines are:
Model 4600:
01) Display Mode 1: Flow, Forward and Reverse Totalizer and Status
02) Display Mode 2: N/A
03) Display Mode 3: N/A
04) Display Mode 4: N/A
Model 4400:
01) Display Mode 1: Flow, Velocity, Totalizer and Status
02) Display Mode 2: N/A
03) Display Mode 3: N/A
04) Display Mode 4: N/A
05) Options:
06) Totals Reset:
This option will reset the totalizer to zero. Press 5 to begin.
07) New Password:
This option will allow the user to change the password to enter into the
QuikCal programming.
08) Summary Reset:
This clears the Daily Summary memory.
09) Sensor Option:
01) Sensor Power. This screen will allow the user to use Normal or a High
tranmit power. Most strap on sensor will use high power and the windowed spool sensor will use low
02) Sensor Polarity: This screen will allow the user to change the polarity of the sensors. If the wiring
of the upstream and downstream sensor have been inadvertently reverse during installation choose the
Reversed sensor polarity in this screen instead of rewiring the sensors.
10) Meter Reset:
This option will reset all parameters to the factory defaults.
11) New firmware:
This option will allow the user to upload any new firmware to the latest
This completes the System Setup function menus in the 4000 structure.