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Operator's Manual
Rolling High-Wheel String Trimmer 600050 Series
How to stop the Trimmer Head
Release the control bail. It will return to its open position and
disengage the trimmer head.
How to stop the engine
Move the throttle control lever completely back to the STOP
How to use the Trimmer Head drive lever
1. To engage the trimmer head, hold the control bail against
the handle. Move the trimmer head drive lever forward to en-
gage the trimmer head. The faster the engine runs, the faster
the trimmer head will rotate. see fIGuRe 5.
2. Once the trimmer head is rotating, push the trimmer forward
to trim.
How to use the Throttle control
1. During normal use, set the throttle control lever in the FAST
position to run the engine at full speed. see fIGuRe 6.
2. Pull the throttle control lever back to decrease engine speed.
Push the throttle control lever forward to increase engine
3. To stop the engine, pull the throttle control lever completely
back to the stop position.
How to use the Primer Button (600050B/600050Bce only)
1. Push the primer button five times. Wait approximately two
seconds between each push.
NOTE: Do not use the primer button to restart a warm en-
gine after a short shutdown.
Figure 5: Using the trimmer head drive lever
control bail
trimmer head
drive lever
Figure 6: Using the throttle control
throttle control
THe TRImmeR HeAd WIll conTInue To RoTATe foR
seVeRAl seconds AfTeR THe enGIne HAs sToPPed.
ImPRoPeR TReATmenT of THe sTRInG TRImmeR
cAn dAmAGe IT And sHoRTen ITs lIfe.
• DO NOT aTTempT TO craNk Or sTarT The eNgiNe
BefoRe IT HAs Been PRoPeRly seRVIced WITH
THe Recommended oIl. THIs mAy ResulT In An
enGIne fAIluRe.