Operator's Manual
Rolling High-Wheel String Trimmer 600050 Series
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or call 800-345-6007 M-F 8-5
How to change engine oil
Change the engine oil when the engine is warm. For the proper
oil capacity, see the engine manufacturer's instructions. see
fIGuRes 9 and 10.
NOTE: In order to change the oil in the 600050V string
trimmer model, you must remove the wheel.
1. Disconnect spark plug wire from the spark plug.
2. Remove the oil drain plug as shown in Figure 10.
3. Drain all the engine oil into a flat pan.
4. Install the oil drain plug. Make sure the oil drain plug is tight.
5. Remove the dipstick.
6. Fill the engine crankcase. do noT oVeRfIll. For proper oil
capacity, see the engine manufacturer’s instructions.
7. Connect the spark plug wire to the spark lug.
Figure 10: Oil drain plug on 600050B/600050BCE
Figure 9: Oil drain plug on 600050V
oil drain plug
oil drain plug
seRVIce And AdJusTmenT
Figure 13: Check ends of line
Figure 12: Threading trimmer line through center hold.
Figure 11: Threading the new trimmer line.
How to Replace the Trimmer line
For the best performance, use a heavy gauge (0.155” diameter)
trimmer line. Cut the length of the trimmer line to 21.5". Use the
length guide, located on the shield, to make sure the trimmer
line is the correct length.
Do not allow the length of the lines to vary more than one inch.
This is important to make sure the trimmer head is balanced
and does not vibrate.
NOTE: To extend the life of the trimmer line, keep the trim-
mer line moist. If not kept moist, the nylon trimmer line will
become dry and brittle. Keep extra trimmer line in a can of
water. The line will then stay flexible and easy to change. A
flexible line will also last much longer.
1. Stop the engine. Wait for all moving parts to stop.
2. Remove the worn trimmer line from the line retainer.
3. First, thread the ends of the new trimmer line through the
outside loops. see fIGuRe 11.
4. Next, take the ends of the line, cross over the line retainer, and
thread the ends through the center hold. see fIGuRe 12.
5. Then, check to make sure that the ends of the line are even.
see fIGuRe 13.
BefoRe you InsPecT, cleAn oR seRVIce THe TRIm-
meR, sToP THe enGIne. mAke suRe THAT All moV-
InG PARTs HAVe sToPPed. dIsconnecT THe WIRe
fRom THe sPARk PluG.
cap screws
cap screws
cap screws