Operator's Manual
Rolling High-Wheel String Trimmer 600050 Series
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How to Replace the drive Belt
To replace the drive belt, the trimmer head and shield must be
removed as explained below. see fIGuRes 17 And 18.
1. Remove the two fasteners that hold the rear of the shield to
the trimmer housing.
2. Remove the four fasteners that hold the front of the shield
and trimmer head to the trimmer housing.
3. Remove the “V” pulley from the idler bracket.
4. Raise the front of the trimmer housing and remove the drive
* On some models, it is necessary to loosen the mounting bolt
for the drive pulley to remove the drive belt . Do not bend the
belt guides.
NOTE: Use only OEM replacement belts.
5. To assemble the drive belt, reverse the above steps. Make
sure all fasteners are tight. Make sure the mounting bolt for
the drive pulley is tight.
6. Check the routing of the drive belt. Make sure the drive belt
is inside of all belt guides as shown.
Figure 17: Trimmer housing
Figure 18: Routing the drive belt
drive belt
trimmer head
belt guide
drive belt
drive pulley
mounting bolt
belt guide
belt guide
"V" pulley
BefoRe you RemoVe THe dRIVe BelT, dIsconnecT
THe WIRe fRom THe sPARk PluG.
TesT THe dRIVe sysTem. sTART THe enGIne And
moVe THe THRoTTle conTRol To THe fAsT PosI-
TIon. enGAGe And dIsenGAGe THe TRImmeR HeAd
seVeRAl TImes. WHen dIsenGAGed, mAke suRe THe
TRImmeR HeAd comPleTely sToPs WHen ResTInG
on THe GRound. If THe TRImmeR HeAd conTInues
To RoTATe, TAke THe TRImmeR To An AuTHoRIZed
seRVIce cenTeR.