1260-45 User Manual
Addendum Page 6/98 1
The “Module-Specific Syntax” section of this manual shows the command syntax for the 1260-01S
Smart Card. If you are using the newer 1260-01T Smart Card, the commands will NOT work as
Consult the 1260-01T Manual for a description of the commands which may be used with the 1260-
01T Smart Card.
The channel numbers described in this manual are valid for the 1260-01T. The channel numbers
continue to be used for the 1260-01T.
The syntax of the commands which use channel numbers has changed for those cards controlled
by the 1260-01T.
The new syntax used to close a channel is:
CLOSE (@ <module address> ( <channel> ) )
For example, with for a relay module whose <module address> is set to 7, closing <channel> 0 is
performed with the command:
CLOSE (@ 7 (0))
Using the older 1260-01S, the command would be (as shown in this manual):
Many other command syntax differences exist. Please consult chapter 2 of the 1260-01T manual
for a description of the commands which are available for the 1260-01T.
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