Playback & Backup
NVR User Manual
Time Slice Mode Selecting
Method One
: Click “Year”, “Month” or “Day” button under the record time scale to select the
time slice mode. In “Day” mode, click
on the left/right side of the time scale to view
the record of the last/next day; click “Minute” in the “Picture” option under the time scale to
select “Minute” mode (in “Minute” mode, click the time scale to change the time of the 60
display windows) and click “Hour” to select “Hour” mode.
Method Two
: Click
beside “Camera Thumbnail” on the left top corner of the interface to
select the time slice mode.
Method Three
: Right-click the mouse on any area of the time-sliced interface to go back to the
upper interface.
8.3.2 Search & Playback by Time
Click Start
By Time to go to “By Time” tab as shown below.
on the bottom of the interface to add playback camera. A maximum of 16
cameras can be added for playback. Click “Modify” on the top right corner of the camera
window to change the camera and click “Clear” to remove the camera.
Click the camera window to play the record in the small playback box on the left side of
the interface. You can set the date on the top left of the interface, check the event type as
required and click the time scale or click
under the time scale to set the time. The camera
window will play the record according to the time and event type you set.
Drag the color blocks on the time scale to select the record data and then click “Backup”
button for record backup. Click “Playback” button to play the record in the playback interface.