Channel: Please select the channel number first. You can select “all” if
you want to set for the whole channels.
Record Type: Please check the box to select corresponding record type.
There are four types:
Regular/MD (motion detect)/Alarm/MD&Alarm.
Week day: There are eight options: ranges from Saturday to Sunday and
Holiday: It is to set holiday setup. Please note you need to go to the
General interface (Main Menu ->System->General) to add holiday first.
Otherwise you can not see this item.
Pre-record: System can pre-record the video before the event occurs into
the file. The value ranges from 1 to 30 seconds depending on the bit
stream .
Redundancy: System supports redundancy backup function. You can
highlight Redundancy button to activate this function. Please note, before
enable this function, please set at least one HDD as redundant. (Main
menu->Setting->Storage->HDD Manager).
Please note this function is null if there is only one HDD.
DVR support CD-RW, DVD burner, USB device backup, network
download and eSATA. Here we introduce USB, eSATA backup. You can
refer to Chapter 5 Web Operation for network download backup operation.
Click backup button, you can see an interface is shown as in Figure 3-21.
Here is for you to view devices information. You can view backup device
name and its total space and free space. The device includes CD