Please note the commend name is grey once device does not support this
function. The PTZ operation is only valid in one-window mode.
PTZ Setup
In the main menu, from Setting->System->PTZ, you can see the following
interface. The pan/tilt/zoom setup includes the following items. Please select
channel first.
Protocol: Select corresponding PTZ protocol such as PELCOD.
Address: Input corresponding PTZ address.
Baud rate: Select baud rate.
Data bit: Select data bit. Default value is 8.
Stop bit: Select stop bit. Default value is 1.
Parity: There are three choices: none/odd/even. Default value is none.
In one window display mode, right click mouse (click “Fn” Button in the front
panel or click “Fn” key in the remote control). Click Pan/Tilt/Zoom, the interface
is shown as below. Here you can set the following items: Step: value ranges
from 1 to 8.Zoom.Focus .Iris