2. Make an L-bend in one end of the remaining
pushrod wire. Attach the wire to the control
horn using a micro pushrod keeper.
3. Center one aileron servo and install a
long arm onto the servo. Attach a pushrod
connector to the outer hole of the servo arm.
4. Use servo tape to secure the servo to the
wing. Locate the Tribute servo in between the
wing spars. The Ultimate servo is centered on
the wing spar.
3. Check the fit of the top wing assembly to the
fuselage. Use foam-safe CA to glue the top
wing assembly to the fuselage, and the struts
to the bottom wing, once satisfied with the fit.
Aileron Servo Installation
Required Parts
Airplane assembly
Pushrod wire
Micro control connector (2)
Control horn (2)
Control horn backplate (2)
Servo tape (2)
Micro pushrod keepers (2)
Required Tools and Adhesives
1. Locate a control horn and control horn
backplate. Install the horn into the aileron.
Use foam safe CA to secure the horn.