6. Attach the clevises to the control horn on the elevator at the third hole
from the mounting surface, and on the rudder at the second hole from the
mounting surface. Do not install the silicone keepers at this time. We will do
that later in construction on Page 27.
7. With the control surfaces and servos in their neutral positions, mark the
location of the pushrod at the servo arm hole using a felt-tip pen. Place a 90-
degree bend (towards the bottom of the fuselage) in each of the pushrods in
this location. Install the nylon keepers on the pushrods at the servo arms. Trim
the remaining wire using sidecutters.
Here are a couple of methods that work well to center the
control surfaces for setup.
One technique is to use a pair of tongue depressors and
clothespins. Another is to use low-tack tape. Fold a tab in the
end of the tape for easy removal
8. Repeat steps 1 - 7 to install the second servo and pushrod. Note that step
6 dictates which hole to hook the clevis to for both the rudder and elevator.