E-flite PT-19 ARF Assembly Manual
A small piece of foam rubber inserted after
the weights are in place will keep them
from rattling in the tip weight box.
Pilot Installation (Optional)
RC/CL Options
Required parts
Battery hatch
Military pilots (1 or 2)
Tools and adhesives
6-minute epoxy
1. If you are planning on installing scale pilots in
your PT-19, now would be the best time to do so.
They should be installed before balancing your
aircraft as they could alter the center of gravity.
Control Throws
1. Turn on the transmitter and receiver of your
PT-19 ARF. Check the movement of the rudder
using the transmitter. When the stick is moved right,
the rudder should also move right. Reverse the
direction of the servo at the transmitter if necessary.
2. Check the movement of the elevator with the
radio system. Moving the elevator stick toward the
bottom of the transmitter will make the airplane
elevator move up.
3. Check the movement of the ailerons with the
radio system. Moving the aileron stick right will
make the right aileron move up and the left aileron
move down.
4. Use a ruler to adjust the throw of the elevator,
ailerons and rudder. Adjust the position of the
pushrod at the control horn to achieve the
following measurements when moving the sticks
to their endpoints.