5.3. Display
If an optional display is installed, at the tab Display the following items can be entered:
Drop-down input field “Display-Mode”
Single spaced
Double spaced (default)
Checkbox “Backlight”
Checked = ON
Unchecked = OFF
In the input field
“Description (free text), a
user specific name (max.
16 characters) for the
transmitter can be
e.g.: HALL 1
With the button “send” only the description will be uploaded to the transmitter.
5.4. Adjustment
The user can perform an adjustment for the measurands
in air.
The configuration software distinguishes between a 1-point and a 2-point adjustment automatically, depending
on how many reference points for adjustments are entered.
The values entered for the customer’s adjustment are stored in the electronics of the sensing probe and are
therefore not lost if the electronics of the signal conditioning are replaced (see page 6)
If the checkbox “Performing customer-adjustment” is checked, the adjustment mode will be activated and the
actual measuring value in the set interval automatically retrieved from the flow meter (transmitter).
NOTE: At first change to “Calibration gas” in the tab “Process parameters”.
While the customer-adjustment is active all other pages, functions and commands are deactivated.
In the field “Adjustment” the measurand to be adjusted is selected.
In the field “Measuring value” the actual measurement value of the transmitter is indicated.
The update-interval can be set.
In the field “Reference value” the measurement value of the standard is entered.
After clicking the button “send” a control dialog box appears in which the values can be corrected if needed.
Then the reference value will be uploaded to the flow meter (transmitter) and is the adjustment procedure
The reference point of the customer-adjustment must be within the determined measuring range.
The customer-adjustment results in a slight rotation of the characteristic line, in such a way that the measure-
ment deviation at the upper and lower adjustment points equals zero.
The configuration software determines, depending on its position, if it is an upper or lower adjustment point.
5.4.1. 1-point adjustment
lower adjustment point upper adjustment point
possibility 1
0 - 50% of measuring range 100% of measuring range
possibility 2
0% of measuring range >50 - 100% of m.r.
m.r. ... measuring range