Menu toolbar
4.1. File
Delete status message
deletes the status messages.
closes the configuration software.
4.2. Transmitter
reads the actual configuration of the transmitter.
uploads the ‘new’ configuration to the transmitter.
The following settings are uploaded to the transmitter
Output 1
Output 2
Display mode
Pressure transmitter
Prior to uploading the ‘new’ configuration to the transmitter, a dialog box will show a summary of the
changes. Click on the button ‘OK’ and the configuration will be uploaded to the transmitter; click
‘Cancel’ to cancel the operation.
4.3. Extras
Configurations of the VirtualCOM- interface (see page 23).
Input Screen
5.1. Output 1, Output 2
In this screen the actual settings of the transmitter for the output 1 and 2, resp. relay 1 and 2 are shown. The
user can alter and upload these settings to the transmitter, together with other changes of the configuration.
5.1.1. Output mode
Here the mode of signal output can be determined.
Output 1: analogue or switch (relay) output
Output 2: switch (relay) or pulse output
In case the mode of output 1 is changed, the Jumper J1 on the board of the signal conditioning electronics has to
be relocated as well (see page 25)
5.1.2. Measurand
Here is determined which measurand will be represented at the particular output.
5.1.3. Units
Choice of the engineering units of the selected measurand in either SI- (m/s; °C; m3/h) or US-units