Diamond 10kW Manual
Dynatronix, Inc.
198-1603-03 Rev 01
Page 25 of 150
6.1.2. Encoder Functionality
The encoders can be turned clockwise or counter-clockwise. Each encoder also functions as a
momentary switch when it is pushed in.
Encoder Usage in Run Screens
Pushing the encoder switch will display the setting (if available) for the associated display. For
example, when the current and voltage meters run screen is displayed pressing the voltage
encoder switch will display the voltage setting. Likewise pressing the current encoder switch will
display the current setting. The ‘SET’ lamp blinks on and off when a setting is displayed.
When a setting is displayed each digit of the setting value can be individually adjusted. The
setting digit that is being adjusted will flash on and off. Each press of the encoder switch selects
the next digit. Rotating the encoder changes the selected digit value.
The setting display will return to the normal run screen display after the setting has not been
adjusted for a short time. For example, if the voltage setting were displayed from the meters run
screen the display would return to the output voltage meter after the setting had not been changed
for a short time.
Encoder Usage in Menus
The encoders are used to access and navigate menus. Menus are accessed by simultaneously
pressing and holding both encoders for some period of time (the amount of time depends on
which menu is to be accessed). Once a menu is accessed the encoders can be used to navigate
menus and change parameters.
The voltage display shows the menu title and the current display shows a sub menu (‘SET’ lamp
on) or parameter (‘SET’ lamp blinking on and off). Text that is blinking on and off indicates a
selection that can be changed by rotating the associated encoder. Pressing the voltage encoder
selects the displayed menu selection or parameter value. Numeric parameters within menus are
edited the same way as the voltage and current settings are changed (one digit at a time).
6.1.3. Voltage Indicator
This indicator shows when the power supply is regulating the voltage level on the output. The
current level will depend on the load resistance.
6.1.4. Current (Amps) Indicator
This indicator shows when the power supply is regulating the current level on the output. The
voltage level will depend on the load resistance.
6.1.5. Operate / Standby Switch
This switch toggles between operate (OPER lamp on) and standby (OPER lamp off) modes. In
operate mode the output of the supply is enabled and will output current depending on the
settings. In standby mode the output of the supply is disabled.
Pressing the OPER/STBY switch while a timed cycle (ATC or RTC) is running will pause the
currently running cycle (output disabled). The OPER/STBY lamp blinks on and off when a cycle is
paused. Pressing the OPER/STBY switch while a cycle is paused will show the pause menu,
which allows the cycle to be stopped or resumed. The pause menu allows the user to use the
current encoder to select between “End” (stop the cycle) or “Cont” (resume the cycle). With the