Installation, Operation and Service Manual
LKP Series
© 2016 DynAmp, LLC
Page 11
041738 I
J.) Make sure that the serial number on the top half of the Measuring Head matches the
serial number of the lower half, and that the halves go together squarely and evenly
without forcing, twisting, or cocking.
K.) Try to mount the head in an area free of other bus bars. This is not an essential
requirement if a satisfactory magnetic centering can be achieved.
L.) The final head position will be determined by the magnetic centering process, so the
head support members should be temporary at first. If a bus analysis has not been
performed, the head should be geometrically centered on the bus during the initial
installation. If a bus analysis was performed, follow the recommendations for initial
positioning, and perform the centering process.
M.) After final magnetic centering, the head must have adequate support.
Sudden changes or shutdown of bus current can induce high voltages in open coil circuits
inside the Measuring Head. This is a risk of shock if someone is in contact with the connector
pins during the event. There is a slight possibility of connector or coil damage if the
Measuring Head is left un-operation (stored) for prolonged periods on a live bus with frequent
fluctuations. The following precautionary measures must be taken to prevent damage and risk
of shock.
Best option is to leave the cables connected between Metering Unit and Measuring Head.
Even if the Metering Unit is not powered, it will shunt induced currents in the coil and prevent
high voltage from developing. If that is not feasible then use one of the following options:
The Measuring Head cable leads from the channel feedback coils must be shorted
together and isolated from all other cable leads and ground wire to prevent induced
high voltages on the coil leads. Refer to the Head Resistance Chart and /or
schematics for coil circuit wire numbers.
Warning : Keep all exposed head cable leads from touching the bus, ground,
or any support structures.
Consult with DynAmp about using a shorting plug at each connector.
If the unit is to be installed on a live bus, the following precautionary measures must be
taken before installing the Measuring Head:
A.) Make sure that the cables are disconnected from the head during installation.
B.) Always follow all local and plant safety procedures.
If the installation is to be made on a "live" bus, the Measuring Head cables must be
disconnected from the head. The head is grounded via the cables. A condition
hazardous to the Measuring Head and any person handling un-insulated cable-lead
terminals will result if metal parts of the head contact the bus.