Dynamix UM-SE G.SHDSL.bis EFM Bridge Modem User Manual V003
Port Based Priority
When you click Port Based Priority, it will show the following:
Select the ports to which the rule should be applied.
There six ports can applied: LAN1, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4, DSL and Sniffing
Scheduling Configuration item can setup the queue type from type 0 to type 3. Each queue
type can setup the queue weight form 1 to 15.
The Queuing method is to configure queuing algorithms for outgoing traffic. Queuing
algorithms allow EFM modem to maintain separate queues for packets from each individual
source or flow and prevent a source from monopolizing the bandwidth.
The queuing algorithms:
WRR Weight Round Robin
Best Effort
Strictly Priority
SP(Strictly Priority) services queues based on priority only. As traffic comes into the EFM
modem, traffic on the highest priority queue, Q3 is transmitted first. When that queue empties,
traffic on the next highest-priority queue, Q2 transmitted until Q2 empties, and then traffic is
transmitted on Q1 and so on. If higher priority queues never empty, then traffic on lower
priority never gets sent. The SP class is typically for video applications that require a fixed
amount of bandwidth to be considered good quality.