RMO40TD DV-Win Software
Static resistance graph
Creates a static resistance graph from the measured resistance values in the grid.
Delete selected rows
Erase all data from selected rows in the grid.
Delete All
Erase all the data from the grid.
Security features of Windows Vista and Windows 7 prevent saving data to default DV-Win working
directory under Program Files directory. While on Windows Vista it may be possible to circumvent this
behavior by disabling User Account Control, in which case the data is saved to Virtual Store directory,
which is hidden and may prevent user from finding saved files. For Windows 7 this is no longer an
option. We recommend that you save the data in other directories under ownership of the user, like
Documents or some other user created directory.
7.6 Tap Changer Mode
Using a PC together with RMO40TD device in the Tap Changer mode it is possible to assess the tap
changer condition by analyzing a graph which represents dynamic resistance during tap changes.
Figure above shows connections between a PC and RMO40TD and also connection to the transformer
under test.
After all connections are properly done and DV-Win is started, chose TapC menu clicking on the Tap
Changer tab.