1 1 5 0 / 1 1 5 5 H A Y B U S T E R T U B G R I N D E R O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S
3.5 Automatic engine shutdown system
The engine will automatically shut down if it overheats or if engine oil pressure is inadequate. If this happens, perform
the following steps:
1. Check the engine oil level.
2. Inspect the radiator, rotating screen, and clean if necessary.
3. Check tension and condition of the fan and rotating screen belts.
4. Allow engine to cool and check the coolant level.
5. Attempt to restart engine following the normal starting procedure.
6. If the engine will not continue running, contact a qualified mechanic.
3.6 Normal shutdown procedure
Use the following procedure to shut down the Tub Grinder under normal operation:
1. Disengage the tub drive.
2. Allow the conveyor belts to run until empty.
3. Disengage the fluid coupler by pressing the rotor disengage button on the control panel.
4. After the rotor has stopped, disengage the conveyor drive.
5. Follow the engine manufacturer’s recommendations for cooling the engine; generally, this consists of
running the engine at 1/2 speed or idle for 5 minutes.
6. Shut off the engine and remove the key.
7. Never leave the machine unattended until any potential fire debris is removed, no fire or smoldering
exists, and batterry is switched off.
8. Turn the battery disconnect switch to “OFF”.
9. Note the service hour meter reading, and perform periodic maintenance as required.
10. Repair any leaks, perform minor adjustments, tighten loose bolts, etc.
NOTE: See also section 3.17, “Operating the grinder using the remote radio option
3.7 Emergency shutdown procedure
1. Push in emergency stop button located on the control panel (large red button), and remove key.
NOTE: See also section 3.17, “Operating the grinder using the remote radio option”
Stopping the engine immediately after it has been working under load can result in
overheating and accelerated wear of the engine components. Allow the engine to cool down before
stopping. Avoiding hot engine shutdowns will maximize turbocharger, shaft, and bearing life.
Emergency shutoff controls are for
use Only.
use the
emergency shutoff controls for normal stopping procedure.
The emergency stop button will have to be reset before restarting the engine.