1 1 5 0 / 1 1 5 5 H A Y B U S T E R T U B G R I N D E R O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S
2.11b 1150/1155 Haybuster Tub Grinder Electronic Engine Controls
(S.N. 23‑2‑12‑0‑279 And Up)
figure 2.7
control panel
(CAT Panel Tier III)
Fuel gauge
Rotor engage
button - hold in for
approximately 30
Rotor disengage
button - push in
to disengage fluid
(yellow in color)
Electronic governor
Rotor status lights
Grinding hours gauge
Job hours gauge
Job hours reset button
See Section 2.11c
Remote Radio /
Panel Switch
Cab Work Light /
Panel Light
Tub Screen Up / Down
Tub Forward / Reverse
Up / Down | Fold / Unfold
Lights On / Off
Up / Down | Right /Left