Detergent doesn't come out.
A. The detergent tank is empty.
B. A pocket of air has formed inside the
detergent tank.
A. Add diluted detergent in the tank (17).
B. Activate the detergent pump. Turn the
steam pressure buttons (34 and 35) off.
Hold the detergent injection button (36)
and the steam release trigger (32) at the
same time until detergent come out.
The vacuum doesn't work or suck properly
A. Lack of power.
B. Vacuum is full of water.
C. The vacuum hose is obstructed.
A. Make sure the main vacuum button (2)
is pressed and that the vacuum is well
B. Empty the vacuum.
C. Clean the hose vacuum.
Noise inside the boiler.
A. The boiler getting cold, after about 6-7
hours creates an internal depression
which, at each ignition, provoke some
A. Wait until the pressure stabilizes (about
2-3 minutes), the noise will disappear.
Steam pressure is dropping when in use.
A. The steam pressure is set to Maximum for
too long.
A. Use lower pressure setting.