If the users press
## on the telephone keypad, IPStar will dial the ISP automatically.
This feature is designed for the situation when the on IPStar is not reachable. For
example, in case if the IPStar is connected to a wireless phone.
All IPStar V2.50 and above have a faster Internet disconnection time. The waiting time
has been reduced to 10-12 seconds. This function not only allows users to save money but
also to save time.
Quick Internet Disconnection
IPStar can accept the request of connection from other InterStars or IPStars that has been
described in Using Direct-Link Mode earlier in this chapter. An on-line IPStar will be
available for connection request from any other InterStars or IPStars. The waiting time is
defined by ON-LINE TIME in Configuration Mode.
To Receive an IPStar Call
To disconnect from the Internet:
Press the on IPStar or Simply press
** on the telephone keypad.
To speed up the disconnection from the Internet:
Simply press
** + # on the telephone keypad.
To Speed-Up the Internet Disconnection
Using the Phone Keypad to Trigger IPStar
Making Internet Calls 4-7
To Speed-Up the Internet Disconnection