Video recorders DX Series
It requires a proportionally long time.
First, connect the USB memory to a port of the DVR. Then press RECORD and the memory unit will appear in the list on the left. If this
does not work reboot the DVR leaving the backup drive connected to the USB port so that you detect already starting.
Press the BACK button and the mask will appear on the search of movies that controls all the backup function and is described below.
● TYPE - Choose which type of recording search among ALL, ALARM INPUTS EXTERNAL ALARM MOTION, INPUT ALARM +
MOTION, MANUAL RECORD, GENERAL (normal scheduled recording). Next to select the disk you want to search.
● CHANNEL - Select the channel of interest or possibly the ALL option
● ARRIVAL / - Define the time-space research
● ADD - Start the search and adds the results in the list below
● REMOVE - Deletes events from the list found to allow a new search
● FORMAT BACKUP - The DVR can export movies in two formats: H.264 and AVI. We recommend using the AVI format as easily be
played on any media player like Windows Media Player, VLC etc. For the H264 and helpful reader program on the CD included with the
START - After selecting the desired movies list, press START to start