Experience has shown that all hostile fires in family living
units generate smoke to a greater or lesser extent.
Experiments using typical fires in family living units indicate
that detectable quantities of smoke precede detectable
levels of heat in most cases. For these reasons, smoke
detectors should be installed outside of each sleeping area
and on each additional story of the family unit.
The following information is for general guidance only and it
is recommended that the smoke detector manufacturer's
literature be used for detailed installation instructions.
It is recommended that additional smoke detectors beyond
those required be installed for increased protection. The
added areas include: basement, bedrooms, dining rooms,
furnace room, utility room and hallways not protected by the
required detectors.
FIG. 1: A smoke detector should be located between the
FIG. 1: A smoke detector should be located between the
FIG. 1: A smoke detector should be located between the
FIG. 1: A smoke detector should be located between the
FIG. 1: A smoke detector should be located between the
sleeping area and the rest of the family unit.
sleeping area and the rest of the family unit.
sleeping area and the rest of the family unit.
sleeping area and the rest of the family unit.
sleeping area and the rest of the family unit.
FIG. 2: In the family living units with more than one
FIG. 2: In the family living units with more than one
FIG. 2: In the family living units with more than one
FIG. 2: In the family living units with more than one
FIG. 2: In the family living units with more than one
sleeping area, a smoke detector should be located to
sleeping area, a smoke detector should be located to
sleeping area, a smoke detector should be located to
sleeping area, a smoke detector should be located to
sleeping area, a smoke detector should be located to
protect each sleeping area.
protect each sleeping area.
protect each sleeping area.
protect each sleeping area.
protect each sleeping area.
FIG. 3: A smoke detector should be located on each story
FIG. 3: A smoke detector should be located on each story
FIG. 3: A smoke detector should be located on each story
FIG. 3: A smoke detector should be located on each story
FIG. 3: A smoke detector should be located on each story
of the living unit.
of the living unit.
of the living unit.
of the living unit.
of the living unit.
FIG. 4: Smoke Detector mounting - “Dead” Air Space. The
FIG. 4: Smoke Detector mounting - “Dead” Air Space. The
FIG. 4: Smoke Detector mounting - “Dead” Air Space. The
FIG. 4: Smoke Detector mounting - “Dead” Air Space. The
FIG. 4: Smoke Detector mounting - “Dead” Air Space. The
smoke from a fire generally rises to the ceiling, spreads
smoke from a fire generally rises to the ceiling, spreads
smoke from a fire generally rises to the ceiling, spreads
smoke from a fire generally rises to the ceiling, spreads
smoke from a fire generally rises to the ceiling, spreads
out across the ceiling surface and begins to bank down
out across the ceiling surface and begins to bank down
out across the ceiling surface and begins to bank down
out across the ceiling surface and begins to bank down
out across the ceiling surface and begins to bank down
from the ceiling. The corner where the ceiling and wall
from the ceiling. The corner where the ceiling and wall
from the ceiling. The corner where the ceiling and wall
from the ceiling. The corner where the ceiling and wall
from the ceiling. The corner where the ceiling and wall
meet is an air space into which the smoke may have
meet is an air space into which the smoke may have
meet is an air space into which the smoke may have
meet is an air space into which the smoke may have
meet is an air space into which the smoke may have
difficulty penetrating. In most fires, this “dead” air space
difficulty penetrating. In most fires, this “dead” air space
difficulty penetrating. In most fires, this “dead” air space
difficulty penetrating. In most fires, this “dead” air space
difficulty penetrating. In most fires, this “dead” air space
measures about 4 in. (0.1m) along the ceiling from the
measures about 4 in. (0.1m) along the ceiling from the
measures about 4 in. (0.1m) along the ceiling from the
measures about 4 in. (0.1m) along the ceiling from the
measures about 4 in. (0.1m) along the ceiling from the
corner and about 4 in. (0.1m) down the wall as shown in
corner and about 4 in. (0.1m) down the wall as shown in
corner and about 4 in. (0.1m) down the wall as shown in
corner and about 4 in. (0.1m) down the wall as shown in
corner and about 4 in. (0.1m) down the wall as shown in
Figure 4. Detectors should not be placed in the dead” air
Figure 4. Detectors should not be placed in the dead” air
Figure 4. Detectors should not be placed in the dead” air
Figure 4. Detectors should not be placed in the dead” air
Figure 4. Detectors should not be placed in the dead” air
Top of detector
acceptable here
NOTE: Measurements shown are to
the closest edge of the detector.
Living Room
Family Room