Series PC Manual V 1.0 - Rev. 3
– 03/01/01
DS Europe
Move or put strain on internal wires;
Carry out any kind of welding job on the card or near the circuit.;
Note: paragraphs 13.2.1 and 13.2.2 are referring to a D/A1 with voltage analog output but
the fluctuating values can be current too ( see following table ).
13.2.1. “0”
1. Cursor “0” is beginning to be calibrated when
push button “A”
is pressed for approx. 2
sec. till YELLOW LED is off.
2. D/A converter 1 output is fluctuating from 0 to 2,5V ( square wave with 0,25Hz
frequency )
3. Cursor “0” is to be placed on
zero point
: when
push button “A”
is pressed the YELLOW
LED will blink once for 1 sec. to show that zero position has been memorized.
4. D/A converter 1 output is fluctuating from 2,5V to 5V ( square wave with 0,25Hz
frequency )
5. Cursor “0” is to be placed on
Full Scale point
: when
push button “A”
is pressed the
YELLOW LED will blink once for 1 sec. to show that zero position has been
memorized. ( there must be a 10% Full scale distence between zero and full scale
points ),
6. If YELLOW LED is OFF the calibration has been successfull and then It is to be
powered off and then on in order to reset It and have the system operationg with the
new calibration.
7. If YELLOW LED is ON there has been a calibration error and then restart calibration
procedure by pressing push button A.
13.2.2. “1”
8. Cursor “1” is beginning to be calibrated when
push button “B”
is pressed for approx. 2
sec. till YELLOW LED is off.
9. D/A converter 1 output is fluctuating from 5 to 7,5V ( square wave with 0,25Hz
frequency )
10. Cursor “1” is to be placed on
zero point
: when
push button “B”
is pressed the YELLOW
LED will blink once for 1 sec. to show that zero position has been memorized.
11. D/A converter 1 output is fluctuating from 7,5V to 10V ( square wave with 0,25Hz
frequency )
12. Cursor “1” is to be placed on
Full Scale point
: when
push button “B”
is pressed the
YELLOW LED will blink once for 1 sec. to show that zero position has been
memorized. ( there must be a 10% Full scale distence between zero and full scale
points ),
13. If YELLOW LED is OFF the calibration has been successfull and then It is to be
powered off and then on in order to reset It and have the system operationg with the
new calibration.
14. If YELLOW LED is ON there has been a calibration error and then restart calibration
procedure by pressing push button B. .
D/A1 Output fluctuation during calibration
0-10 V
0-20 mA
4-20 mA
0 V
0 mA
4 mA
Cursor “0”
: D/A1 fluctuation for ZERO
2,5 V
5 mA
8 mA
2,5 V
5 mA
8 mA
Cursor “0”
: D/A1 fluctuation for FULL SCALE
5 V
10 mA
12 mA
5 V
10 mA
12 mA
Cursor “1:
D/A1 fluctuation for ZERO
7,5 V
15 mA
16 mA
7,5 V
15 mA
16 mA
Cursor “1”:
D/A1 fluctuation for FULL SCALE
10 V
20 mA
20 mA