Series PC Manual V 1.0 - Rev. 3
– 03/01/01
DS Europe
The transducer always replies to a command which has been sent with the following reply
strings, according to the command sent and the relative context.
Reply from
They transducer replies with an exclamation mark when the
command is accepted and then executed.
The question mark is the transducer reply to an unknown command
or when an incorrect format is used.
The command which has generated a question-mark type reply is
not executed.
E.g. 1: 0R0120500
E.g. 2: 1R-203450
This is the reply to the command requesting the measuring value
(Ry, see 13.3.4), where “y” indicates the cursor number (0 or 1) and
“xxxxxxx” corresponds to the requested measure value, signal
The measurement executed is expressed in the mechanical units
used to define the configuration parameters (command L).
The measurement is given without decimal points.
If, for example, the configuration parameters have been defined in
tenths of a millimeter, the value of the position measurement will be
given in tenths of a millimeter. The program which questions the
transducer, to know the position of the cursors, will have to get It
accordingly to the configuration setup.
This is the reply to the “Ry” command, requesting cursor y position
measurement, whenever the cursor in question is not detected by
the transducer (the cursor has been withdrawn from the measuring
rod. When two cursors are used on the same measuring rod, this
reply can also indicate a distance between the cursors lower than
the accepted minimum.
Eg.: 1X0001000
This is the command reply “X”, requesting the letter of a
configuration parameter, where “x” indicates the parameter
requested and “zzzzzzz” corresponds to the parameter value (7
The parameter value has no empty spaces. Whenever it has fewer
characters than those established in the defined format, zeros are
used to fill the spaces.