DROOFF Kaminöfen —
Feuer aus dem Sauerland
Page 13
w w w . d r o o f f - k a m i n o f e n . d e
If necessary remove the ash from the fire chamber and empty the ash box if it is full.
Close the door of the ash box or push the box firmly into position.
For routine use of the stove (i.e. the stove lacquer has fully hardened), light the fire as
described above. Leave the door open slightly until the fire is burning briskly. Then close
it firmly.
Do not re-stoke with fresh fuel until the fire has burned down to the glowing embers.
Open the door slowly to allow the pressure to equalise and prevent smoke from escaping.
Depending on the draught of your chimney and the type of fuel used, the flow of primary
and secondary air must be adjusted during the burning process. For information on the
correct adjustment, refer to the data sheet "Technical Information". As a rule, the primary
air slide is kept completely closed so that no air reaches the flames from below. The
secondary air slide on the other hand remains open. Depending on the weather, chimney
draught, wood quality and the position of the adjusting slide on the stove, one stoking of
wood will burn down to a red glow in about 30-45 minutes.
Then re-stoke again and proceed as described above.
Important note: do not control the heat emitted by your stove by the position of the
air slides only, but also by varying the amount of fuel as required.
At an outside temperature of approx. 15° C or higher, it may become more difficult for your
stove to function properly. The small difference in temperature tends to reduce the upward
draught in the chimney, making it difficult to light the fire and to "get it going". In addition,
greater quantities of smoke is produced which cloud the window with soot and billow into the
room if the stove door is opened.
If it is difficult to light the fire, try burning a crushed up sheet of newspaper. This produces
a short lived upward draught of hot air which may help to dissipate the smoke in the fire
When outside temperatures are still relatively high, make sure that enough air is available
for combustion. Open the primary and secondary air slides more than usual and ensure that
there is not too much ash on the grate. Avoid slow burning of the fire and empty the ash box
more often.