RO/DI humidifi ers use RO/DI water. Because these water types are mineral
free, cleaning the evaporating chamber should not be necessary. However,
there are some maintenance steps that should be followed to ensure all parts of
the unit are in working order.
Verify regularly that water processing equipment is operating
correctly. The presence of chlorides in improperly processed deionized
water will eventually cause pitting and failure of the humidifi er tank and its
components. Damage caused by chloride corrosion is not covered by your
DriSteem warranty.
If the tank is hot, cool it down by opening the manual ball valve on the side of
the tank. The fl oat valve will open allowing cool water to run into the tank until
it is cool enough to handle. Then shut off the water supply, and allow the tank
to drain completely.
1. Remove the evaporating chamber:
• If the tank is hot, follow the instructions in “Cool down humidifi er” above
before proceeding.
• Shut off the water supply.
• Allow the tank to drain completely.
• Shut off the electrical supply.
• Disconnect the fi ll line at the fi ll fi tting.
• Disconnect the electrical plugs between the tank components and the
back of the electrical panel (includes: power plug, low water switch
plug, tank temperature sensor plug and thermal trip plug).
Disconnect by pulling on plug housing. Do not disconnect
by pulling on cord or wires.
• Disconnect the drain union on the back left corner of the frame.
• Disconnect the steam supply hose from the top of the tank.
• Lift the tank foot above the frame fl ange and slide the tank assembly
forward to remove.
2. Loosen the four cover bolts and remove the cover assembly from the tank.
3. Inspect the tank interior for debris or pitting.
4. Inspect the valve inlet for debris.
RO/DI water option