R699751 - DreamScaler3 User Manual
Output Aspect Ratio
Sync Type
Color Space (YPbPr/YCbCr or RGB)
Output Level (Video or PC)
Frame Rate Conversion information
Border Level
Gamma Correction
You can save up to ten display profiles (Profile 1 through 10).
A current custom display profile (called User) is also stored in non-volatile memory. However it will be overridden
when you make any modifications to the display profile. You should always save the current display profile to Profile
1 - Profile 10 to prevent the custom profile from being lost.
The Display Profile feature is only enabled when you set the User Mode to Advanced, just like the full control of
output timing parameters in the Format menu. The factory default values for the ten display profiles and User are as
Output Type
Output Aspect Ratio
Active Output AR
Sync Type
Color Space
RGB 4:4:4
Output Level
Frame Rate
Locked mode (1:1).
Border Level
Selecting and Saving a Display Profile
Use the following procedure to select and save a display profile:
1) Set up the profile by making changes to the output setup menu items. If you make custom settings (such as
output timing parameters), they are saved to User.
2) Save the settings to a profile by selecting Profile 1 through 10 in the Save menu and pressing Enter.
3) Once the Profile is saved, the Save menu is grayed out until you make changes to the profile again.
Auto Linking of Input and Display Profiles
The Auto feature links a specific input to a display profile. To enable this feature, use Output Setup [Display Profile]
Auto. When you select an input/format, the display profile used (Profile 1 through 10 or User) is saved in the saved
input settings. When you turn Auto On, the system uses a display profile based on the selected input.
For example, suppose you choose Display Profile 1 using Video 1 input and Display Profile 2 using S-Video 1 input.
With Auto set to On, when Video 1 is the active input, the system automatically uses Display Profile 1.
When S-Video 1 is the active input, Display Profile 2 is used.
When Auto is Off, the selected display profile is used independently of the active input.