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Reference Manual ATOM one 4K mini
5 Terminal Usage
5.1 Terminal
ATOM one 4K mini can be controlled by a simple terminal connection. All commands
consist of ASCI characters.
5.2 Terminal Settings
For flexible configuration ATOM one 4K mini provides 2 terminal interfaces:
1. RS485 on the Power connector cable
2. RS232 TTL which is connected on the AUX connector.
The default interface setting is:
115200 baud (adjustable)
8 bit data
no parity
1 stop bit
no flow control
The ATOM one 4k mini accepts commands in text form and answers with text messages.
Every command is confirmed by "OK" or "FAIL". Errors have to be handled by the user or
host software which is used to control the device.
Depending on the
setting you get a prompt "=>" after start up. Now you can send
commands to control the device or get status information.
Check the next chapters to get detailed information about available commands and
5.3 General Command Format
When the firmware is ready to accept commands, it sends its prompt ("=> ") if enabled with
command. Every command line is accepted as a single text line, terminated by
either CR or LF.
The command consists of a command string, followed by none or more parameters,
separated by a single space.
The parameters can have different formats, depending of the command. Supported
formats are:
Signed decimal : -323, 422
Hexadecimal: 0x35ff34aa
String : any_string
The command will be executed and may produce some text output on one or more lines .
Finally the status will be sent as a single line containing either "OK" or "FAIL". In case of