4. Specifications
- Length: 42HP (212mm) , Width: 3U (128,5mm) , Depth: 41mm (with the power board) , 33mm
(without the power board) , Weight: 470 gr
- All 3.5mm jacks expect a mono TS type cable, except for the
- MIDI in, TRS type cable as suggested from the midi.org : https://www.midi.org/specifications/midi-
-All pots are 100KB (linear), and sliders 10KB (linear)
-Front panel is made of aluminum and is screen printed by hand.
-All bolts are M3, and if a replacement is needed a 6mm length type is suggested.
Current draw and power requirements
From its dedicated USB power supply: Needs a 1A USB power supply and a good shielded USB
cable (not included in the KIT)
From a modular power supply:110mA @+12V / 75mA @-12V
- Frequency range : 16Hz to 32kHz, depending on TUNE, FINE and tune trimmer settings.
- CV range : 1V/octave (or 0,0833mV / semitone) , if its properly scaled by the user
- Level range : -108dB to +18dB , depending on CV input. 0dB is achieved at 5V CV input
- CV range : exponential response (ideal for audio)
VCA 2 and 3
- Level range : -98dB to +6dB , depending on CV input. 0dB is achieved at 5V CV input
- CV range : 1dB / 0,33V
MOD (modulator)
- Level range : +/-5V for LFO and Sample and hold modes, 0-5V for the Envelope mode, +/-5V or
0-5V for CC mode, depending on the slider setting
- Frequency range : LFO 0.05Hz up to 1kHz, Sample and hold 0.1Hz up to 1kHz, Envelope 1ms to 30
seconds / stage.
- Lag range : LFO 0 to 30 seconds, Sample and Hold 0 to 2 seconds
ENV (envelope)
- Level range : 0-5V
- Frequency range : 1ms to 30 seconds / stage
- Trigger Input level : 1.8V to 10V
- Level range : B/- 4 and +/-5V
- Frequency range : From 30 sec to 1kHz and greater
LPF (4 pole low pass filter)
- Sweep range : 20Hz to 20kHz
- Oscillation range : 20Hz to 20kHz , takes more time to “load” on low frequency
12DB(2 pole multimode filter)
- Sweep range : 20Hz to 20kHz
- Oscillation range : No self oscillation
- Delay time : 30ms to 300ms and if the resistor is removed, 40 ms to about 1 sec.
Above 300ms repeats start to get dirty.