3.7 Envelope (ENV)
The Envelope section is a digital Triggered envelope that consists of:
- A Trigger input.
- A main OUT with a LVL control.
- A Slider, which controls the Fall Time. Holding the SET button while altering the FALL time controls
the RISE time.
3.8 LFO
The LFO section is a wide range Analog Triangle Wave LFO that consists of:
- A CV input for the LFO Rate.
- A main OUT with a LVL control.
- A slider which controls the Rate of the LFO.
The range is from over 30 seconds up to 1000Hz
3.9 4-pole low pass filter (LPF)
The LPF section is a 24dB Low Pass filter that consists of:
- A CV for the Cutoff frequency. (e/-5v Cv inputs)
- An audio Input that expects up to +/-5V levels
- An audio output (AC coupled)
- A potentiometer for the Resonance amount. At max amount self-oscillation occurs
- A slider for the Cutoff frequency. The range is from 20Hz up to 20.000Hz
3.10 Multimode Filter (12DB)
The Multimode Filter section is 12dB per mode and consists of:
- A CV for the Cutoff frequency. (e/-5v Cv inputs)
- Three Inputs that get mixed and then pass through the filter input. Expects up to +/-5V levels
- One output for each mode (Low Pass, Band Pass, High Pass).
- A potentiometer for the Resonance amount.
- A slider for the Cutoff frequency. The range is from 20Hz up to 20.000Hz
3.11 Echo
The Echo section is based on the Erebus delay circuit and consists of:
- A CV input for the Delay Time. (e/-5v Cv inputs)
- An audio Input, which expects up to +/-5V levels
- An audio output.
- A potentiometer for the Delay Time. Normal mode is at about 300ms max delay. By removing a
resistor, that is indicated on the top panel, you can get up to 1 sec delay time, but the sound of a
delay, which is above 300ms, will be very dirty.
- A slider for the Feedback amount. Self-oscillation can be achieved from 90% and above
- A slider for the Dry / Wet MIX.